Flash back Friday - Vocal Cord Dysfunction

Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) is one of those conditions that can be confused with asthma. Sometimes, when the severe asthma is not controlled on medication, they look at VCD. #2 Son was evaluated for this - and once we were back at the hospital. He LOVED having a probe stuck up his nose as they watched his vocal chords during speech patterns. Nasal endoscopies are a great way to start the week! Ugh. His vocal folds turned out to be normal, so he just has severe and uncontrolled asthma. But for some people vocal cord dysfunction is an answer as to why they have symptoms symptoms of asthma, yet not responding to normal asthma medications. Some people may be taking asthma medication when in reality, it is a problem with their vocal cords. What is vocal cord dysfunction? It's when your vocal cords close when they are supposed to open. This can cause problems breathing and can be mistaken for asthma. Symptoms of are: ...