Free allergy and asthma activity book!

There is an allergy and asthma activity book available from Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America (AAFA.)

It's called "Ally and Andy's Awesome Asthma and Allergy Activities". Here's how AAFA describes the activity book:

"The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) created this coloring/activity book to provide children and their families with a basic understanding of asthma and food allergies. The activity booklet, appropriate for children of all ages, provides a fun way for children to learn how to recognize common triggers and to control their asthma and food allergy symptoms. In addition to the word finds, crossword puzzle, word scramble, maze and other activities, there is a story to read and color, plus a list of additional website resources for parents and kids on asthma and allergies."

I scanned through the book. It's about a brother and sister who have allergies and asthma, and the other kids at school tease them (that would NEVER happen, right?!) While on a school field trip, they meet a couple of woodland friends who also have allergies and asthma, and their woodland friends tease them too. They realize they aren't alone in having allergies and asthma.

It's a short story which also has a crossword puzzle, word search and other activities at the end of the story. 

If you are looking for a fun story for your kids with allergies and asthma, you can print it out here. 

Happy coloring!


  1. Did you know Zantac, a common heartburn medicine is an H2 receptor? Benadryl and all the Otc and prescription allergy medicines are h1 receptors. When I went to the hospital for anaphylaxis I was given Zantac and well as Benadryl to combat the allergic reaction. It's worth looking into

    1. Hmmm......interesting! It's weird how they find off-label use for different medicines.

      Thanks for the info! And so glad you are feeling better! :)

  2. Nice blog! truly appreciated.

  3. Nice blog! truly appreciated.

  4. The vulnerability to asthma attacks can possibly be reduced with careful management. Because asthma is unpredictable, sufferers should always make sure their medication is always easily obtainable. Maintaining a healthy diet can help to perk up your immune system and can help fight against recurring attacks. Steer clear of smoke, cold air and pollutants that could trigger allergies.


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