Ideas to avoid the spread of germs

Well, here we go again. 
Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! 
Sore throats, running noses and coughing.

I was hoping at first that it was just allergies and that something in the pollen count was REALLY high, but no such luck. The sore throat started, and I thought here we go again.
Separate tubes of toothpaste 

I need to get back to my germiphobe precautions. I noticed Hubby and Kitty and I are all using the same tube of toothpaste. That is going to spread germs, because if they get sick, I'm going to get sick. 
I usually use separate tubes of toothpaste for each of us, but we ran out. 
 Guess it's a little late for that for this cold.
Throw away your toothbrush after you are sick 

We also thrown out toothbrushes and use a new one once the cold is over. You don't want to use old germ filled toothbrushes or risk the chance of re-infecting yourself.

Also, I keep all the toothbrushes on separate shelves in the bathroom. (And NOT by the sink.)
 I've heard that over spray from the toilet can spread over 5 feet in the bathroom - I don't know about you but I would rather not have toilet water on my toothbrush. 
When my kids wash their hands, they drip water and suds all over-including on the toothbrushes, so we keep those in the cupboard. 

Wash the hand towels weekly (or more often if someone is sick) 

I wash the hand towels at least once a week (more often is someone is sick.)  Each person in the house has their own color hand towels to use so they can their germs to themselves

I heard two pediatricians talking the other day, lamenting about how two weeks after school starts, their offices are flooded with sick kids. They call it the September Asthma Epidemic. 

Once school is back in session, kids share more than pencils and crayons, they share their germs. So be prepared.
I would like to keep my kids out of doctor's offices, thank you. And especially out of the hospital. My kids were in the hospital 12 times for asthma, and 2 of those were ICU admissions.

A simple cold is seldom a simple cold with asthma - it usually morphs into bronchitis or pneumonia.

So, taking some precautions and being a germaphobe can help keep you healthy. 
It's better to be safe than sorry. 
All right kids, new toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes are getting passed out after school! 
Exciting, isn't it?! 
Asthma is so much fun!


  1. Wow, I had no idea the things an Asthma Mom goes through. I have spent so much time in developing countries where about 15 of us use the same tube of toothpaste and we store our toothbrushes in the corrugated metal above the shower. I am glad I don't have asthma, but it's good to know this stuff in case my kids end up having it.

  2. I wasn't always a germiphobe! But if I'm not, my kids will pay for it. It's cheaper to buy separate tubes of toothpaste for everyone than it is to pay for another doctor visit. I hope your kids don't end up having asthma, but if they do, you'll know what to do!


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