Repeating Allergy Shots and Setting the Clinic Record


Sometimes allergies are so severe that no amount of allergy nose spray or allergy pills can help. 

For our family, Allergy Doc recommended allergy shots when despite all the medicine we took, we were still had:

  • Sneezing (Daughter could sneeze 30 times in a row.... not kidding)
  • Runny nose
  • Congestion 
  • Itchy throat or eyes 
  • Interrupted sleep due to symptoms 
  • Asthma attacks caused by allergies 

We also made our house allergy & asthma friendly. 

Yet we all still struggled with allergies, so all three of my kids had allergy shots for 5 years. 

Fast forward 15 years, and college aged Daughter said her allergies were back with a vengeance. In fact, it felt like she had not had allergy shots. 

Her allergy scratch test on her back ended with a back covered in welts. Even new Allergy Doc was surprised. She said previous Allergy Doc may have mixed a weaker serum. 

It was clear that Daughter needed to repeat allergy shots, since her allergies were making her asthma hard to control. 

Setting the Clinic Record for Allergy Serum 

When they mixed her vials, she ended up with 6 vials of serum for allergy shots. Six! 

The day of her first shot(s), the nurse said that Daughter had set the clinic record. They said they have never had anyone need 6 vials of serum. 

That means Daughter gets 3 shots in one arm, and 3 shots in the other arm for a total of 6 shots for each allergy shot appointment. 

And she does that twice a week, so it's 12 injections per week. 

Is it working? 

Well, she has large red and hot welts on her arm in various places (depending on which serum she is injected with.) She has to use an ice pack to reduce the swelling. 

But - her asthma is better controlled now. 

Even though she's discouraged that she has to repeat her 5 years of allergy shots, and fit appointments around work and classes, it's worth it. 

She's breathing better and can do more and is happier now that her asthma is better controlled. 

Has anyone else had to repeat allergy shots? Or had 6 vials of serum? 

Drop a comment below 

