Best Asthma Blogs 2020 - 10 Years in a Row!

Well, well, well, if my old college English professor could only see me now! 

This is my 10th year in a row being included in the Best Asthma Blogs by Healthline!   


Thank you Healthline! 

My professor told me that I was a terrible writer and needed to use more "flowery descriptions" in my writing. This was in the late 80's and I wasn't about to retype my paper in the college typing center. 

Who had time to add flowery descriptions? It was my last year of college before I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts degree (first generation!) 

I was struggling to balance 18 credit hours and working full time in a record store. You may have heard of records,  they call them "vinyl" now.  They were flat black discs with grooves and you would play them on a special turntable. The turntable had a swing arm with a needle that you would place on one of the grooves in the record. And the needle always seemed to be dull.

Our store eventually moved on to cassettes, and those newfangled shiny things called "CD's".

But, back to college. 

I was a poor college student trying to put myself through college by working full time to pay tuition and rent. 

And then my English professor told me I was a terrible writer. I didn't care what he thought - I wasn't planning on anyone actually reading what I wrote.

Yet, here I am, 3 decades later. 

I started this blog in 2010 to share our family's experiences with allergies and asthma. I thought it would be easier for families to learn from our family's experiences. I make sure to include accurate and evidence based information, mixed with our struggles and triumphs.

I now have a world wide following. 

And 10 year's worth of awards for my writing.

Hmm, maybe my English professor did know what he was talking about?


  1. First, congratulations!

    I have an entire rant about expertise and over-specialization. I'll spare you that, but I keep running into it in medical contexts.

    Your English professor may have been a frustrated fiction writer whose work had too many flowery descriptions for modern times.

    1. Bahahahah! Probably.

      Yep, I try to combine personal stories with facts and make it a good mix!

      I try to simplify my writing and make it easy to understand and entertaining.

      I'm just here to help people! :)


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