More Dumb Things to Blame on Moms
I know Mom Guilt is a real thing. My kids are all adults now, but I remember feeling really guilty about a lot of things when they were little. (I still do now!)
In fact, it started when I was expecting. Back in the 90's, I remember all the things the doctor warned me not to do. He said I had to limit caffeine (he even said to limit chocolate!) I couldn't have unwashed produce, had to be careful with lunch meat and soft cheeses and couldn't take ibuprofen.
I don't drink or smoke, so that wasn't a worry. But I also made sure to exercise every day and try to get enough sleep.
I also breastfed my kids for the first year to give them a good immune system.
My life was turned upside down 20 years ago when the kids and I were all diagnosed with asthma, and I am surprised by all the dumb things I have read that seem to blame moms!
I read a news article years ago that said if pregnant moms are exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF's), it increases the risk of their child having asthma.
Oh seriously?! We can't use a microwave or hair dryer? Riiiiight. They also said power lines, transformer stations, florescent light bulbs and even coffee grinders could increase our risk.
Everything is electronic these days, what are we supposed to do? Go hide out in a cave for 9 months?
Another study said that if a pregnant woman was anxious, her child was more likely to have asthma. Others have doubted that association.
And how did you give birth? Vaginally or C-section? If by C-section, your baby has an increased risk of allergies and asthma.
And let's not forget genetics. If a mom has allergies and asthma, there is a chance that the baby can also inherit allergies and asthma.
Sometimes it feels like moms get blamed for everything!
Being pregnant isn't easy. We gain weight, get stretch marks, have heartburn, can't fit into clothes (or shoes), can't roll over in bed, sleep through the night and throw up day after day. And then after the baby is born, we're held responsible if our child develops allergies and asthma.
No more mom guilt! We are amazing women who can create another human being. How fabulous is that?
Kids have accidents, develop asthma, allergies, diabetes, seizure disorders, heart problems, cancer, etc, etc.
It's time we moms stop blaming ourselves for everything.
You are amazing.
You are enough.
Don't forget that!
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