Real time pollen machine!
From time to time, I receive requests on my blog. The latest is from Landon Bunderson, PhD. He and his research team are developing a machine that will report pollen in real time.
Landon says
"Currently, there are less than 90 sites where pollen is being reported on a daily basis. Of those 90 sites, roughly 75 are operated by counters who are National Allergy Bureau (NAB) certified. If you look at their coverage maps, there are some big gaps in the geography, especially in the West":
"With or without the gaps, the current air sampling technology was developed in 1952. This technology requires a person to count each pollen grain and mold spore individually. If the counter is good, the accuracy can be extremely high, but the information is a day late--because pollen is collected for 24 hours and then counted."
"We want to eliminate the gaps in air sampling stations by providing a sampler that is more automated and cost-effective and doesn't require a certified, highly trained counter at each station. We think if we can do that, more people will put up samplers. We also want to report pollen levels in real time--so that the information can inform allergy asthma sufferers in such a way that they can alter their behavior if needed."
Landon and his team would like feedback about their machine from people who have allergies and asthma. They have a short survey on their site. If you are interested, take the survey and let them know what you think.
Who better to give feedback than people with allergies and asthma!?
If only I could afford one when they come out, but the local weather station could buy one and keep the stats on their website.