You want me to get rid of my dog if I have asthma?

A few years ago, I coordinate an Asthma Home Visit Program. I provided in-depth asthma education to families.I know that doctors would like to spend more time providing education to their patients, but they just don't have time. You may have been diagnosed with asthma while in the hospital, or at a doctor's office. And the doctor can explain a LOT of things - all at once. It's like trying to drink out of a fire hydrant. When I meet with families, I try to reinforce what the doctor explained to them, and then fill in the gaps about how to control their asthma. It's good to learn about medications and asthma triggers, but it's also important to learn how to make a home allergy & asthma friendly. When I say "home", that can mean apartment, house, trailer home, condo, whatever they consider a home. During one visit, a woman answered the door and said, "If you are going to tell me to get rid of my dog, you can just turn around and walk back out th...