RSV Isn't Just For Babies!

I've been watching the news and every channel has been having stories about RSV. But, each channel is saying that RSV is only dangerous to babies and older people. I'm yelling at my TV It's not just for babies! When my son was only 5 years old, he was hospitalized with RSV Yes, 5. It's so important that people know that older kids can get RSV and end up in the hospital! My son is an adult now, but years ago, he was sick all the time. All the time. He has severe asthma, and would always get sicker than my other kids. And he would be sick for a lot longer than my other kids. One time, Son #2 looked terrible and I knew it was time for a trip to the ER. I remember the doctors in the ER saying hmmm....what could it be? I guess we should test your son for RSV, but I've never heard of a kid that age ending up in the hospital with RSV. Silly doctor. He hasn't met our family yet! We are always the 1% CDC says RSV can look l...