My How Asthma Has Changed!!

I often talk to people who tell me they have had asthma FOREVER and so they know everything there is to know about asthma. Well, I don't think ANYONE knows all that there is to know about asthma. And even if you have had asthma for a long time, asthma medications and treatment guidelines change. Look at the posters above. The poster on the top is the 2020 version of "Respiratory Treatments" from Allergy & Asthma Network. The poster on the bottom is also the "Respiratory Treatments" poster from Allergy & Asthma Network....... but it was made in 2014. Look how much it has changed in 7 years! Look how many more medications are on the market! Asthma is always changing. It's hard for the professionals to keep up with all of the changes. If your lungs are being cranky, and you are still doing what you have always done to treat your asthma, it may be time for a change. Talk to your doctor and see if you are on the right treatment plan f...