Teal pumpkin project

Teal Pumpkin Projectâ„¢ "The TEAL PUMPKIN PROJECT and the Teal Pumpkin Image are trademarks of Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE)."

I blogged about the Teal Pumpkin project last year. It was a new idea to let kids with food allergies be able to Trick or Treat on Halloween!

How? If there is a teal pumpkin on the front porch, or a Teal Pumpkin sign on the lawn (or front of the house), that lets parents know that are non-food treats at that home.

The kids could score some really cool stuff - like bubbles, glow sticks, small toys, stickers, etc. So, they can still Trick or Treat, but instead of worrying about food allergies, they can get some really cool stuff! 

If you have a child with food allergies, you know how hard it is to always have to check food labels. If there is a candy bar with tree nuts (Almond Joy) in a big bowl of candy, can my son eat any of the candy in the bowl? For us, the answer is no. Because it has been cross - contaminated. 

You can avoid worrying about candy and food allergies and go to houses that are supporting the Teal Pumpkin Project. You can also buy something for kids with food allergies that come to your house. If you want to help, you can also print off free posters from FARE. There are several different small posters in English and Spanish. Here is one example:

They are free and easy to print out. You can put one in your front window or glue it to cardboard, tape it to a stick and put it in the lawn.

What a great idea!!  Now I just need to figure out a costume for this year!


  1. I'm too old for trick or treating :( but I'll buy some dollar store knicknacks for the food allergy kids. I'm going to be a clamydamonas cell (google it) for Halloween and my boyfriend is going to be the riddler from batman, we're both goning to be green!!

    1. Bahahaha! Creative costumes!

      We are doing Harry Potter this year for our office party.

      Thanks for buying little toys for the kids. They will LOVE it!! :)


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