Time for flu shots!

It's that time of year again - flu season. It can start now and last through spring. Anytime I am around someone who is sneezing or coughing, I back away.........I don't want to catch it! Any cold or flu is always worse when you have asthma. CDC estimates that 226,000 people are hospitalized every year thanks to influenza (the flu.) 3,000 - 49,000 people DIE every year from complications of the flu. Yikes! Complications can be pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections and ear infections. When my kids were little, they were hospitalized 12 times for asthma - and almost all of those were because they started with a cold or flu and ended up with pneumonia. It's scary stuff to watch your child struggling to breathe. I also have asthma and have had pneumonia numerous times, so I know what it feels like. For me, it feels like I was hit by a truck. I get a fever and chills and my body hurts all over, and I am so weak that I can't eat or drin...