
Showing posts from March, 2025

Can Crying Trigger an Asthma Attack?

  People are sometimes surprised to find out that strong emotions can trigger an asthma attack Those include: Fear  Anger  Crying  Excitement  Laughter Yelling  Stress  Crying triggering an asthma attack?   Have you been unlucky enough to get a phone call that a family member has passed away?   Before you say, "That's not how it works!" Listen up.   Most people picture a uniformed police officer slowly walking to the door of a house and taking a deep breathe before he knocks on the door to deliver the new     That’s not always how it works Over the years, I have had two random phone calls letting me know that one of my family members has passed away. The first time, it was from a neighbor in the town I grew up in. He saw the police cars and wanted to tell me himself, rather than have the officer    The second time, it was the state Medical Examiner’s office asking for help identifying my family member’s body. ...