Avoiding the September Asthma Peak Week

What is the September Asthma epidemic? During the 3rd week of September, asthma hospitalizations spike. In fact, it's the highest time of the year for asthma hospitalizations. You may have thought it was in the middle of winter - during flu season. But it's the 3rd week of September. What causes the September Asthma Epidemic? There are many causes: Back to school - instead of spending time outdoors, kids are back inside Unventilated classrooms - rooms are usually small with many kids and bad ventilation.That makes it easy for germs to spread Animal dander - kids with asthma can have asthma attacks when other students come to school with cat and dog dander on their clothing. This happened to my son in 2nd grade and he had to start allergy shots (we couldn't ask the classmates to get rid of their pets - that would have gone over well. So we had to protect my son with allergy shots.) Fall allergies - ragweed and chenopods are in bloom. And outdoor mo...