Chronic cough - is it asthma or lung cancer?

There are many things that can mimic asthma. Last month, I wrote about how Vocal Chord Dysfunction (VCD) can mimic asthma. When you have a chronic cough, most people assume that you have asthma. But what if it's not asthma? What if it's something more serious? Have you heard of radon? What is Radon? Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can seep into buildings (homes, schools, businesses, churches, etc.) People hear the phrase "colorless, odorless gas" and think of carbon monoxide. That is another dangerous gas - and it can kill you quickly. Radon is radioactive. And our bodies do NOT like radiation. In fact, radon is linked with lung cancer - and it can kill you slowly. Radon is the #2 cause of lung cancer in the U.S. That means you can get lung cancer...... even if you have never smoked. Where does radon come from? The Environmental Protection Agency says, 'Radon comes from the natural (radioactive) breakdown of uranium in soil...