How can you tell if it's vocal chord dysfunction or asthma?

There are many things that can mimic asthma, and Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) is one of them. What is VCD? VCD is when your vocal cords close (when they should be open). It can cause symptoms that are the same as asthma, and that's why it can be hard to tell if it's VCD or asthma Symptoms include: Coughing Wheezing Hard time breathing Sounds like asthma, right?! Other symptoms are: Hoarse voice Throat feeling tight Voice changes My daughter Kitty had a rough year. Her asthma was off the charts, and nothing seemed to help. Albuterol didn't help, prednisone didn't help, none of her controller inhalers were helping. Even though I'm a Certified Asthma Educator, I was stumped - as was Asthma Doc. Asthma Doc ordered a spirometry test (also called a pulmonary lung function test - or PFT). It showed Kitty's lungs were 150% of normal. Hmmm So what could explain her asthma-like symptoms? Asthma Doc asked if Kitty had ever been tested...