What's With These Chipmunk Cheeks?

I was putting on my makeup one morning and noticed my cheeks looked puffy - like a chipmunk storing it's nuts. What the......?! Was the lighting bad? Did I sleep on one side too long? I went through work all day, and just tried to adjust the lighting on Zoom calls so my face wasn't as visible. Finally it dawned on me....I was on a new treatment plan using high doses every day. New treatment plan Round Two with COVID was in February, and Allergy & Asthma Doc wanted to try something new. Those of us with severe asthma often need prednisone when we get sick. We have a habit of getting REALLY sick. I mean - Go Big or Go Home! This time, she wanted me to add another controller inhaler to my regular, daily controller. I take 2 puffs (morning and night) or my regular controller inhaler. Then, she wanted me to add ANOTHER corticosteroid controller inhaler on top of that. 4 puffs morning and night. Yep - a combined total of 6 puff...