Still Worried About Getting Sick

Now that we're in year 3 of COVID, I know most people have gone back to Life as Normal. But, I am still afraid of getting sick. There's good reason for that! We are a family of 5, and 4 of us have asthma. Severe asthma. When my kids were little, they were in the hospital 12 times - and 2 of those were ICU. They had the "crash cart" outside my kid's room - and I still have PTSD because of the reoccurring stress and trauma. The cause of being in the hospital so many times? Pneumonia (for most of them), and a few of the times the culprit was wildfire smoke. Now that my kids are adults we still battle respiratory diseases. They haven't been in the hospital for 15 years - but we all still have Urgent Care and ER visits for asthma. And we will - for the rest of our lives. Asthma doesn't go away. If pneumonia wasn't bad enough for us, along comes COVID. Both times we have had COVID, we have been very sick - and almost ended up back in the hospital. Man...