Chefs Who Don't Understand Food Allergies

I was in a cooking class this week with a group of friends. We were listening to the chef tell us about his experience cooking for other people (including famous people and several US presidents!) We were chatting about food allergies and he said: “I hate it when people come here with food allergies.” For once in my life, I had a snappy come back! (Don't you hate it when you think of something the next day that you "should have said"?) I quickly replied: “ Well, I hate trying to find a safe place to eat!” That didn’t seem to phase him, so I said “Did you know that from ingestion to death, it can be as little as 30 minutes?!” (Graphic from Allergy & Asthma Network ) He seemed surprised to hear that My cooking group went on to tell him that he really needed to have a epinephrine auto injectors in his cooking school - just in case He said that that "No. I don't have to do that. The people coming to ...