I Need to Be Room Parent!

As I round the corner at the store, I am surprised to see aisles filled with school supplies. Is it that time already?! My kids are too old to worry about Back to School time. But when they were little....it was VERY important to me. In fact - I would try to be the first parent at Back To School Night so I could sign up as Room Parent. Was I in to planning class parties? Field trips? Decorating the teacher's door for Teacher Appreciation Week? Not really... As a mom to three kids with asthma, I was always worried. Their asthma was hard to control, even Asthma Specialist was puzzled. My two youngest kids ended up in the hospital 12 times (2 ICU's) So I was always on edge. I couldn't just send them off to school each day and relax. I wouldn't go too far from home. I would try to run quick errands, but would sometimes get calls from the school that one of my kids was having an attack. I would have to leave my grocery store in the middle of the ais...