Ever Heard of Medical Gaslighting?

I was listening to The Today Show while I was getting ready for work. I stopped in my tracks when I heard them talking about Medical Gaslighting. That was a new term, so I had to listen to see what they were talking about. I have heard of gaslighting before, but not MEDICAL gaslighting. Psychology Today says gaslighting is a form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims are deliberately given false information that leads them to question what they know about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, perception, and sanity. The Today Show segment focused on how women are not believed when they go to their doctor. Some doctors may not listen to the patient - and instead just chalk up the symptoms to a woman being depressed, anxious, or just fat. New flash - you can be overweight and STILL have medical problems.... One woman was overweight and her doctor repeatedly dismissed her complaints of stomach and back pain. She went through thi...