Find a New Pharmacy

Have you ever been really spoiled by a good pharmacist? We had a fantastic pharmacist and great pharmacy techs. The pharmacy was located inside a retail store, and the store wasn't very busy - which was why we chose it. We felt like we had a personal connection to everyone at the pharmacy. They all knew me, my husband and all of our kids. In fact, if we came into the store, and then didn't go directly to the pharmacy, they would say "Where did you go? I got your meds ready for you!" 😂 When you have a chronic disease like allergies and asthma, you are at the pharmacy a LOT. Especially during flu season, when one (or all of us) gets bronchitis or pneumonia. Then in additional to getting allergy nose spray, our controller inhalers, and rescue inhalers, we are getting an antibiotic, albuterol for the nebulizer , or oral steroids. But going to a place that wasn't very busy was the problem. They went out of business. I was so sad. I gave my number to the pharma...