Best Asthma Blogs 2020 - 10 Years in a Row!

Well, well, well, if my old college English professor could only see me now! This is my 10th year in a row being included in the Best Asthma Blogs by Healthline! 10 Thank you Healthline! My professor told me that I was a terrible writer and needed to use more "flowery descriptions" in my writing. This was in the late 80's and I wasn't about to retype my paper in the college typing center. Who had time to add flowery descriptions? It was my last year of college before I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts degree (first generation!) I was struggling to balance 18 credit hours and working full time in a record store. You may have heard of records, they call them "vinyl" now. They were flat black discs with grooves and you would play them on a special turntable. The turntable had a swing arm with a needle that you would place on one of the grooves in the record. And the needle always seemed to be dul...