Moms who are worried research better than the FBI!

I was just watching a new series on a streaming service that highlights Dr. Lisa Sanders work with the New York Times. In the series, she talks to patients who have "hard to solve medical mysteries." She researchers their medical record, then films a short video of that person explaining what happens to them. Then she puts the story up on the New York Times page. She asks people from all over the world to "crowd source" and help solve the mystery. People film themselves, and send their diagnosis. Sometimes it's a patient that says something like "This sounds like me - I've had these same symptoms for years and they diagnosed me with _________." Sometimes it's a doctor who says, "I had a patient with these symptoms and we discovered it was ______." Most of the diseases are really obscure and I have to look it up on my phone to see what they are talking about. But one episode made me pause the episode - a...