"Use this inhaler in an emergency"

I was talking to someone the other day, and they just had their doctor prescribe an inhaler "for an emergency." The wording "emergency" really bothers me because people think they have to be gasping for air before they use their inhaler. I wish Doctors wouldn't call it that! Most doctors are moving away from "emergency inhaler" and instead using the term "reliever or rescue inhaler". It's surprising to me how many people won't use their Albuterol inhaler because they think "it's not an emergency......." In a perfect world, you would have an Asthma Action Plan (AAP) that TELLS you when you use your reliever inhaler. American Lung Association has an AAP that says if you have: Some problems breathing: Cough, wheeze, or chest tight Problems working or playing Wake at night Peak Flow Meter Between 50% - 79% of your personal best then Quick-reliefMedicine(s) Use: Albuterol/levalbuterol ...