Asthma Mom is sick, now what?

Well, as though this year wasn't bad enough, I am sick with bronchitis (again) - 4th time since November. What's going on? Well, I've been traveling - and airplanes and airports are some of the germiest places you can be. For anyone who regularly reads my blog, you know that I am a germaphobe. However, my husband (who likes to come along on my work trips if I'm going to a cool city) isn't a germaphobe. I can easily go through a whole package of antibacterial hand wipes during a 4 day trip. That nasty tray on the airplane? It's getting wiped down before I have my pretzels and Coke! Think it's not that dirty? CNN has a slide show called "Journeys with Germs" What are the dirtiest things on the airplane?" You might be surprised! Think of everything else you touch - door knobs, elevator buttons, the TV remote in the hotel. I use the antibacterial wipes like a mad woman. And follow it up with hand sanitizer. T...