1st time in the hospital?

Last night, a dear friend sent a text to tell me that her daughter was in the hospital. She said she needed my expert help. As a Certified Asthma Educator (AE-C), and mom of 3 grown kids with asthma, I knew I could help. For those of you who are regular readers of my blog, you know that my kids were hospitalized 12 times when they were younger (mostly due to pneumonia but once from smoke from a forest fire.) So, I have had a little experience with kids in the hospital. Things I wished I would have know when my kids were first diagnosed: When should I take my child to the hospital? Nemours hospital has a section called "When to Go to the ER if Your Child Has Asthma." Please read it! I once heard a doctor say if you wonder if.....and your next thought is "take my child to the emergency room", then go! The hospital has experts that can treat your child. If they just need to be treated and released, they will do that. But if they need...