When to keep kids home from school

I was listening to the radio on my commute to work and heard the 2 male hosts discussing when it was okay to let their kids stay home from school, and how they would treat them. They had opposite views! Host A said that he would send his kids to school if they were sick (I wanted to reach through the radio and strangle him....) but if they had to stay home, they had to stay in bed and not have any electronics, Netflix, etc. He said he felt like his kids were "faking it." Host B said he would keep his kids home if they were sick (thank you!) and to help them feel better, he would stop and get ice cream, and shoot off confetti cannons. I like his view MUCH better! As mom to 3 grown kids with asthma, my kids missed a LOT of school when they were little. How do you know if you should send them? I found a blog from Dr. Chad Hayes called "Too Sick for School? Here's Your Guide" He covers 25 different illnesses, including asthma, vom...