Using an inhaler for younger kids

Last week, I wrote a post on the "Most Common Inhaler Mistakes", which was mostly for older kids and adults. If you have a younger child, let's review the right way to use an inhaler. The first thing you may notice is that there is a mask on the end of the spacer (the spacer is the long tube that is attached to the inhaler.) So, you will have a spacer with 1) an inhaler attached to one end and 2) a mask attached to the other. See the photo above. (One thing I don't like about this photo is that the child is using a spacer, not a valved holding chamber. Usually, you would use a valved holding chamber with a mask. You can learn more from The University of Arizona Health Science Center. ) The mask kind of looks like an oxygen mask. It helps seal the area around the mouth and nose to get a nice, tight fit so the kids will get all the medicine from the inhaler. (For all of you parents with squirming kids - you know what I'm talking about!) It'...