Trying to stay healthy....

Well, it's that time of year again. Co-workers and family members are sniffling, wiping their noses and coughing. And I am trying to AVOID them. Not easy when you live with one of them, and work with an office of sick people. The possibilities for germs are endless. And I try to avoid all of them. I use my sleeve to open doors (I'm not touching those handles!) I use my knuckle to punch the elevator button and then wash my hands when I finally get to my office. I wash my hands after I touch the handle to the microwave and office fridge. Seriously....does anyone else have one of "those " office fridges that no one cleans out? I am tired of being the only one to clean the fridge, and have left that to someone else. I know no one is going to take time to clean the fridge handle if they can't clean the inside of the fridge! And don't get me started on the people that don't wash their hands after they use the bathroom at work. ...