Sad times can cause asthma attacks?

Sadness causing an asthma attack? Yep, it can. Sunday is one of those days I would like to forget. . Even though we have allergies and asthma , we have 2 kitties (long story….we inherited them from our neighbors). Anyway, my sweet little Siamese Kitty seemed really tired Saturday night. We thought he was spending a little too much time wandering around the neighborhood. He came home and curled up on his favorite chair, nothing unusual about that. Sunday morning, I woke up to see if he wanted breakfast. He didn’t look good. I’ll spare you the details, but we bundled him up on his blankie and rushed him to the closest animal hospital. They suspected leukemia or distemper. But let’s face it, either one is fatal. After $600 in tests, it came back as positive for distemper. The vet told us that Siamese Kitty was really sick, and that of the cats she had seen that had actually survived distemper (very few) were permanently brain damaged and needed special care...