Does Using a Nebulizer Make You Salivate (Slobber?)

Urgent Care Doc asked if my daughter was a "dripper" when she used her nebulizer. You know, I've never heard of my daughter called that before, but.....okaaaaaaay. Apparently Urgent Care Doc didn't mean that in a BAD way. We were at Urgent Care last fall because we were on vacation and didn't pack our nebulizer. It was a short 3 day trip to grandma's and my teenage daughter Kitty had packed her albuterol inhaler, so I wasn't too worried. But Kitty had a cold and we had a major change in elevation. Those two things combine must have made her feel that her albuterol inhaler just wasn't helping. So, Mean Mom that I am - I dragged her to the Urgent Care. Urgent Care Doc could tell that she needed a breathing treatment and I sheepishly admitted that we hadn't packed our nebulizer and that's why we were there. The Doctor was really nice about it and assured me that I wasn't a bad parent. She went off to get the ne...