New Asthma Inhaler for Kids

There are lots of controller inhalers/discs available. Controller medication is what you take EVERY day for your asthma to keep the swelling down in your lungs. It's important that you take it every day - whether you feel sick or not. There are four in my family with asthma (myself and my 3 kids). All of us have different struggles with trying to control our asthma over the years. We have tried almost every asthma inhaler that is on the market. In fact, when we saw a TV commercial for an asthma inhaler I asked my daughter, "Hey - you had that one once, didn't you?" She didn't even look up from her homework, but said dryly "Yep, if they make it, I've tried it." I always like to keep my eye open for anything new, so I follow the Allergy & Asthma Network Facebook page. Last week, they posted an article from Medscape that said "FDA Ok's Symbicort for Uncontrolled Asthma in Kids 6 to 12." New controller/maint...