Learnin' Asthma Lingo

If there's one thing I learned being a mom to 3 kids with asthma, is to know oxygen levels. When they were little, my kids were hospitalized 12 times for asthma (2 of those were ICU.) In addition to watching for their skin color, fingernails, or lip color to change, I checked their peak flow meter , listened for wheezing , and gave breathing treatments. I also learned how to use an oxygen monitor. We had a hand held monitor we borrowed from a friend, similar to the photo above. (I just did a quick search online and found that you can buy a finger tip monitor for $20-$40!) Wow! The one we used back in 2000 - 2007 was about the size of a paperback book and cost $800. Once you have a monitor, how do you know if your oxygen level is low? Mayo Clinic says: "Normal pulse oximeter readings usually range from 95 to 100 percent. Values under 90 percent are considered low." When my kids would get REALLY sick, I always pulled out the oxygen mon...