"Thunderstorm asthma"

What a weird world we live in! Many of you have probably heard about "thunderstorm asthma" that hit Melbourne, Australia last week and left so many people unable to breathe. What is thunderstorm asthma? The Age, an Australian news source, explained it this way: "In Melbourne, this phenomenon occurs when moisture-charged winds immediately before a storm whip up rye grass pollen from the pastures north and west of town, sweeping them into the city. Rye grass is the pollen that causes most cases of hay fever in Melbourne." For those of you with allergies and asthma, you probably know what it's like to have hay fever cause an asthma attack. Ragweed, grass, flowers or trees are in bloom - you inhale the pollen and instantly you start sneezing and your chest tightens. Then the cough starts and you frantically paw through your purse to get your inhaler. (That's what I do anyway.......) On Good Morning America...