Be careful with dusty halloween costumes!

Quick post before I run off to the Halloween party for work. This morning, I grabbed a shirt from the shelf in my closet - a cute little thing that spelled "Happy Halloween" in orange and white sequins. That was all the dressing up I was going to do today.... However, I haven't worn the shirt since last year. So, I threw it in the dryer on the "steam refresh" cycle, pulled on a skirt and thought I would be okay. Wrong. As soon as I arrived at my office, I started sneezing.....then coughing....then realized not only did I need to quickly use my inhaler, but I would have to drive back home and change my clothes! So, here I am back at the office. If you (or your kids) have asthma and allergies and are triggered by dust, PLEASE clean your costume carefully before you wear it tonight. You just might have time to get it washed and dried before it's time to trick or treat. I can hardly type this blog entry because my hands...