Ever forget to take your daily asthma meds?

Well....I must admit that some days I forget to take my daily, maintenance inhaler. Daughter Kitty is VERY good, she remembers to take her inhaler every morning and every night. If you someone who sets a good example and reminds you to take your medicine, what else can you do to help you remember? I have heard of many different ideas: Put your inhaler near your toothbrush (since you brush your teeth every morning and night) Set an alarm on your smart phone Set an alarm on your watch And now comes technology! There are new "inhaler sensors" that can track your inhaler use. WebMD says: "The devices attach to your maintenance and rescue inhalers and automatically note when you take a dose, send you reminders that it’s time to take another, and mark where and when you needed an emergency fix." A scientific study published in The Lancet showed that of kids who needed to use an inhaler on a daily basis, 84 % of kids who had the inhaler senso...