Credit card sized inhaler

( What IS that silver thing sticking out of the wallet in the screenshot? Why it's an inhaler of course! Silly you, anyone can see that! This story was shared by Allergy & Asthma Network on their Facebook page last week. I read the article and saw the photos and thought, "Come again? What?" The Bloom Inhaler holds 6 puffs from your regular inhaler. The idea behind this is you pre-load 6 doses into this credit card sized inhaler and leave your regular sized inhaler at home. Hmmmm. How does it work? Slash Gear says: "The user inserts the regular inhaler’s canister into Bloom’s matching port and depresses it six times, loading six doses into the slim inhaler. A hermetic seal prevents it from leaking back out, says the company. When the inhaler is needed, the user depresses the upper button and inhales the medication like normal...." ...