Found the cause for asthma?

My friend saw an article in BBC news and shared it with me. I may have blogged about this already last year, but this a new article that says: "Scientists at Cardiff University have identified the potential root cause of asthma for the first time, along with a new treatment ." Say what?? The article, titled "Cardiff University Scientists discover asthma's root cause" is short, but says that the scientists have found the cause of asthma, a calcium recepting sensor - or CaSR. They said they could use a drug that is already available, called calcilytics (those drugs are used to treat people that have bone-density problems like osteoporosis) And I had to listen to the video from Professor Daniela Riccardi about 3 times before I could figure out what she was saying. (Come on scientist - use regular people talk so we can figure out what you are saying!) Anyway, check out the article and let me know what you think Happy breathing! ...