Fall allergies........argh!

Do you have itchy, watery eyes? Some people think the only time they have allergies is in the spring when the flowers are blooming. WRONG! Many people can also have fall allergies. My kids are complaining about itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and a throat that won't stop itching. Hellllllooooooo Ragweed! Fox 59 in Indianapolis had a story on the news this week about fall allergies. They said one ragweed plant can produce up to 1 billion grains of pollen each year. Yuck!! Mold is also common in the fall. You know how your kids love to rake leaves into a pile and jump in? Better be careful - the leaves are full of mold. The Fox 59 story has several helpful things you can do: "The first and most critical step to controlling allergies is to avoid triggers. Avoiding ragweed is similar to avoiding Spring pollen. Minimize time outdoors, keep windows shut during the day, and check ragweed pollen counts. Avoiding mold is a little d...