Hmmm....a little worried about this weekend

So, Independence Day is this weekend. I can't seem to sing The Star Spangled Banner without getting a lump in my throat, and tears in my eyes (it must be from allergies, right?!) The one thing that really worries me about celebrating the 4th of July is fireworks. Once again, it seems like asthma has to get in the way of having fun. Grrrr. Our city celebration was last month, but we were gone that night and missed watching those fireworks. So, Hubby will want to light off fireworks in the street in front of our house. The only problem is that all the other families on our street will also be lighting fireworks - and the street gets REALLY smokey! In fact, a long time ago when Son #2 was young, he ended up in the hospital (in ICU) thanks to smoke from a forest fire and from fireworks. The one thing you never want to see is one of your kids in the hospital for asthma - especially when they put the heart monitor on them, then we know we are in BIG trouble!! The...