Taking a vacation from asthma meds during summer?

One thing I am worried about as summer is starting is if my daughter Kitty will remember to take her daily, controller (or maintenance) asthma medication. I remember listening to a webinar where a doctor talked about the dangers of not taking asthma medicine during the summer. (I wish I could find the webinar, but I can't remember which doctor gave the presentation.) I did find a website where someone asked that same question. Dr. Daniel More answered a question on About.com I think the problem is that kids and adults may be start a different routine. Kids are out of school, so they are sleeping in, going to summer camp, starting swimming lessons or attending sports or dance camps. So their regular routines are thrown off. The same thing can be said for adults who are traveling, we may forget to take our daily, maintenance asthma medicine too. Dr. More said: "There are many reasons why stopping asthma medications during the summer is a bad idea. First, it...