Sneezing fits after showering

Allergies and asthma can be so hard to figure out some times. Sigh. Daughter Kitty has some pretty severe allergies - to everything! In fact, she has already completed 6 year's worth of allergy shots (immunotherapy.) Kitty is allergic to grass, trees, flowers, bushes, cats, dogs, horses, bunnies.......basically anything that is alive! The 6 years worth of allergy shots were supposed to desensitize her so she wouldn't have so many symptoms (sneezing, watering eyes, runny nose, asthma attacks). It was also supposed to decrease the amount of allergy medicine that she takes. No. Such. Luck. I buy allergy medicine and nose spray by the bulk at the warehouse store! Now, she has sneezing fits in the shower. She can easily sneeze 20 times or more. Her whole face is red by the time she gets out of the shower. The weird thing is that she won't have any allergy symptoms, then once she showers, the sneezing will start. And go on, and on, and on. I d...