British study shows the majority of asthma deaths are preventable

One of my colleagues (whose husband is a doctor) printed off an article for me that was titled "Two thirds of deaths from asthma are preventable, confidential inquiry finds." It's from the British Medical Journal. It's a little scary to think that people are dying from asthma attacks just because they aren't managing their disease. I think people don't realize that you can die from an asthma attack. It is rare, but if you or a family member die from asthma, it's a BIG deal. Most people think "I'll just take my inhaler - and I'll be fine." This study found that 2 out of 3 deaths from asthma could have been prevented by: better management including personal asthma plans for patients (asthma action plans) timely reviews of asthma care prescription of more appropriate drugs (too many are relying on a rescue inhaler) The really scary part of the study says that of those who died from an asthma attack, 45% of them had ...