Asthma Action Plans for school - already???!!!!

I just received an email from School Nurse. It's that time of year again - already!! Time to fill out the new Asthma Action Plan for daughter Kitty for the upcoming school year. I take it to Asthma Doc to fill it out, then I sign it, then I return it to the school nurse. Yes, the school nurses work during the summer.... There are MANY Asthma Action Plans out there, most school nurses have a form that they like to use. This one above is from the Utah Asthma Program . Did you know that students can carry their asthma inhaler with them - AT ALL TIMES? And in every state in the country?! Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA) has an area on their website that talks about Medications at School. Their website says: "In 2010, we celebrated that all 50 states protect students' rights to carry and self-administer asthma medications." Do we have these laws in every state? In 2010 we celebrated that all 50 states ...