Yay! We made it to "maintenance on allergy shots!!!"

When Asthma Doc tested my kids for allergies, they have 4 columns that go all the way down the back, with about 10 spots in each column After they scratch the skin with a vial of allergen, you have to wait 20 minutes for the welts to form. Oh, and did I mention that you can't move??!! If you do, it messes up the test. They measure the welts after the test, if it's a certain size, that means you are allergic to that particular allergen. Then they mix up a vial of serum just for you, and you start allergy shots. We start out going twice a week (every week), you get a shot in each arm. So you are really getting 4 shots a week. Then once you get to a certain level, you go once a week. Then you can move to every other week, then once a month. The whole process usually takes 3-5 years. The most important thing about allergy shots is that you stay 20 minutes EVERY time. They are giving you an injection of what you are allergic to, so there is small chance that y...