Summer sports camps.....but what about allergies and asthma?

( Utah Asthma Program ) School is out, and it's time for daughter Kitty to go to summer soccer camp. It makes me nervous to send her to camp because of her allergies and asthma. What if she has an asthma attack? Her allergies are really bad too, even though she's been having allergy shots for 5 years now. Her last skin test showed that she's no longer allergic to grass-kind of a big deal if you play soccer!! But what if she has problems with other allergies due to nearby flowers, plants and bushes? What if she has an asthma attack? Will the coaching staff know how to handle it? It's not Kitty's normal coach-summer camp is usually run by a bunch of college aged kids. Last fall I asked Kitty's coach to watch Winning With Asthma . It's a FREE short online video from the Minnesota and Utah state health departments. It teaches coaches what asthma is and how to treat an asthma attack. Coach watched it and said he felt he would be able to help Kitty if ...