Stopping allergy meds to have allergy testing

Itchy is the best way to describe my teenage daughter, Kitty. We have to repeat her skin test because she is having a LOT of problems with allergies-even though she has been on immunotherapy (allergy shots) for almost 5 years. She is still sneezing and sniffing and miserable. And she is having HUGE welts and swelling from her shots. Last week, the lump on her arm was about the size of half a hard boiled egg under the skin. So Asthma Doc is re-testing her. I'm a little worried. She has to stop taking all allergy medicine for a week before the scratch test (otherwise it will mask the symptoms.) She was itching by the first day of not being able to take her generic Zyrtec pill. Every day that she comes home from school, she is covered in red marks from scratching. And there's nothing I can do. She has to suffer for 2 more days. Asthma Doc had her take a short burst of oral steroids (prednisone) to help control the allergic reactions. But she is still miserable. My olde...