Does your school stock Epi Pens?

My Epi Pen goes EVERYWHERE with me because I am allergic to seafood. Son #2 is allergic to tree nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts, etc.) NOT to be confused with peanuts-since a peanut isn't a nut, but a "legume." What if your child suddenly has a reaction to food at school? A food has had eaten before, but is now allergic to? It was a surprise to us when Son #2 had a reaction to tree nuts. If that happened to your child, would your school have an Epi Pen on hand to treat them? Many schools do not. Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA) has an article in their latest magazine, Allergy & Asthma Today, that says less than half of schools stocked epinephrine for general use. Yikes. In their article entitled, " ACE (Anaphylaxis Community Experts) Team Spotlight:Sharing the Know-How. Anaphylaxis can kill someone in less 30 minutes. To read more about the article, click here. What is...