That vacuum is HOW MUCH???!!!

It's time for a new vacuum. My nice little canister vacuum has seen better days and it doesn't seem like it's picking up as well as it should. Which makes me wonder.....what is it leaving behind? I've been miserable lately with allergies (yes, the neighbors down the street CAN actually hear me sneezing....) so I want anything that can be sucked up by the vacuum to actually be sucked up! I want all of the dirt, pollen, etc off my floors and out of my house! I found a website that is sponsored by the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America. They have "Certified asthma and allergy friendly" products. So, in my search for a new vacuum, I thought I would see what the experts recommend. Click here to see what I found. You may notice something when you pull up the web page-almost all of the vacuums are Dyson's. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just that I don't have $500 in my budget for a vacuum! Sheesh. I have kids that like t...